Risk assessments

The National Risk Register matrix below presents the impact and likelihood of a plausible worst-case scenario manifestation of each risk.

Each number on the matrix corresponds to a risk ID with more information about each risk detailed below. Likelihood is presented as the percentage chance of the reasonable worst-case scenario occurring at least once in the assessment timescale, and impact is assessed across seven broad categories. More information about how risk impact and likelihood are assessed can be found on the 'Risk methodology' page.

Impact 5
Drought 52
Storms 48
Impact & Likelihood
Impact key
5 Catastrophic
4 Significant
3 Moderate
2 Limited
1 Minor
Likelihood key
5 >25%
4 5-25%
3 1-5%
2 0.2-1%
1 <0.2%

Risk scenarios

ID Title Risk Themes Publishing date
56B Animal disease - major outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza Human, animal and plant health July 2023
57B Major outbreak of plant pest - Agrilus planipennis Human, animal and plant health July 2023
57A Major outbreak of plant pest - Xylella fastidiosa Human, animal and plant health July 2023
58 Public disorder  Societal July 2023
59 Industrial action  Societal July 2023
60 Reception and integration of British Nationals arriving from overseas Societal July 2023
61 Deliberate disruption of UK space systems and space-based services Conflict and instability July 2023
62 Attack on a UK ally or partner outside NATO or a mutual security agreement requiring international assistance Conflict and instability July 2023
63 Nuclear miscalculation not involving the UK Conflict and instability July 2023
64 Attack against a NATO ally or UK deployed forces which meets the Article 5 threshold Conflict and instability July 2023
65 Conventional attack on the UK mainland or overseas territories* Conflict and instability July 2023